Yellow Card

Report a side effect with a medicine or medical device

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What you can find here

Medicine information

The MHRA products website allows you to find:

  • The leaflets which are provided with medicines
  • The description of the medicinal product’s properties and how it can be used
  • Scientific reports about marketing authorisations for medicines

You can look for any word, phrase or Product Licence number (PL) using the search tool.

You can also use the A-Z list to find the active substance.

Summaries of Product Characteristics (SPCs) and Patient Information Leaflet (PILs)

Every medicine pack includes a patient information leaflet (PIL), which provides information on using the medicine safely.

PILs are based on the Summaries of Product Characteristics (SPCs) which are a description of a medicinal product’s properties and the conditions attached to its use.

We publish the most up-to-date information for a medicine according to its licence history.

You can use the A-Z list to find an active substance, or search for a medicine.

Public Assessment Reports (PARs)

We publish scientific assessment reports called a Public Assessment Report (PAR) available for new marketing authorisations granted after 30 October 2005.

This is based on the MHRA assessment report with any commercially or personally confidential information removed.

Use the search function to find a PAR.

We also publish Safety Public Assessment Reports

Further information about SPC, PILs and PARs

Medicine levels in pregnancy reports

We collected pregnancy pharmacokinetics data from literature and worked on a pregnancy mathematical modelling technique, known as physiologically based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) modelling, which may be used by healthcare professionals to predict medicine levels in pregnant women.

Search for reports on medicine levels on the Medicine Levels in Pregnancy website.